As mentioned in Form A of Mizoram Minor Minerals Concession Rules 2000
A. In case of Individual:
i. Educational qualification certificate
ii. Nationality/Permanent Residency certificate
iii. EPIC/Aadhaar Card
iv. 2 copies of recent passport size photo
B. Private Company
i. Certificate of incorporation
ii. Nationality/Permanent Residency certificate of board of directors
C. Public Company
i. Certificate of incorporation
ii. Nationality/Permanent Residency certificate of board of directors
D. Partnership firm or Association
i. Certificate of registration of firm or association
ii. Nationality/Permanent Residency certificate of partners/members.
E. Co-operative Society
i. Certificate of registration
ii. Nationality/Permanent Residency certificate of members
F. A sketch plan should be submitted on scale showing the following:
i. the area applied for lease together with boundary, if any, of any other existing/mining lease in case the area applied for has any common point or line with the boundaries of existing quarry lease
ii. the dimensions of the lines forming the boundary area and the bearing and distance of all corner points from any important, prominent fixed point or points
iii. all important surface and natural features (namely roads, railways, wells, religious places, cremation grounds, government establishment, streams etc.)
G. Other particulars that applicatants wish to furnish:
i. Attested copy of land-based documents (LSC/PP/Land lease etc.)
ii. NOC from concerned Local/Village Council
iii. NOC from concerned branch of YMA/YLA/MTP
iv. NOC from concerned PWD