The Industrial Policy of Mizoram State was first notified on 15.3.1989 to give direction to the strategy for Industrial development of the State. It laid stress on reducing shifting cultivation by encouraging a shift from primary to secondary sectors while protecting the Socio-Cultural and ethnic identity of the indigenous enterprise of Mizoram. The intention of the Government in that policy was not Industrial growth per se but was rather directed towards all-round development of the people of Mizoram with special focus on upliftment of indigenous people and also towards giving them gainful employment and self employment opportunities in the Industries and allied sectors. Significant growth has been experienced as a result of this policy direction during 8th Plan period.
In view of the National Industrial Policy which laid special emphasis for the development of Industries in the North Eastern Region, the Govt. of Mizoram had notified new Industrial Policy 2000 for accelerated Industrial and Economic development of the State. The main objectives of the New Industrial Policy of Mizoram 2000 are to engineer rapid sustainable growth of Industry in the State. It laid stress on encouraging Industries utilizing locally available raw materials. The Government had adopted the approach for identification of thrust areas and promoting them with fiscal and other incentives packages. Broad policy of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Investment from outside the State has been adopted on Joint venture (JV) mode to safeguard the interest of the tribal population of Mizoram. Various administrative support system and market support system are also announced.
With the introduction of New Industrial Policy of Mizoram 2000, a significant shift towards development of local resource base Industries has been achieved during 10th and 11th Five Year Plan. The overall Industrial growth has been experienced though it is much lower than the National average.
The Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 was enacted by the Parliament in 2ndOctober 2006. This MSMED Act, 2006 has brought about comprehensive legal framework for the policies and promotional measures for Small & Medium Enterprises. The earlier concept of Industries has been changed to Enterprises.
The Govt. of India has announced North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP) on 1st April 2007 which envisages the package of fiscal incentives and other concessions for the North East Region. The Govt. of India has also laid stress upon the inclusive growth in its National agenda.
The Govt. of Mizoram is mandated in giving sustainable employment and introducing better utilization of land by introducing New Land Use Programme (NLUP). The NLUP aimed at increasing Agriculture, Horticulture and livestock produce, better utilization of forest resources, plantation and development of Micro Enterprises at the rural level.
In view of the large scale change in global Industrial scenario, National Industrial Policy and the economic development of the State, the Govt. of Mizoram feels necessary to announce new Industrial Development Policy for accelerated economic development of the State.